Zpět: Dezinfekce rukou


Alcoholic hand disinfectant

ASEPTOMAN FORTE is a virucidal, ethanolic hand disinfectant. ASEPTOMAN FORTE achieves a comprehensive spectrum of activity, while showing a very good skin compatibility. Limited spectrum of virucidal activity and virucidal (according to EN 14476) within 30 s. ASEPTOMAN FORTE has been proven to increase skin hydration as well as softens and smoothes the skin thanks to a proven skin care system and is particularly skin-friendly.

100 g solution contain: 85 g Ethanol.

 Container size DU  REF
100 ml pocket-sized bottle 20 00-485OP-001EXP1
500 ml bottle 20 00-485OP-005EXP1
1 l bottle 12 00-485-OP-010EXP1


Use disinfectants safely. Always read label and product information before use.